XBL catastrophically down twice in one week

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Virtual-On Positive
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XBL catastrophically down twice in one week

Post by Porcupine »

Last Saturday's VOOT gatherings were partially ruined because XBL was down in some capacity all day long. The severity of it seemed to depend on various factors, but most people could not play online at all for several hours, and online for the rest of the day was compromised and slow when it came to finding matches. Once matches started though, things were normal because most games use direct connections.

Today we have this:

Xbox Live Status
Social and Gaming Limited
Affected platforms: Xbox 360
Affected services: Accessing all game features
31/07/2014 22:55:18 GMT: It’s come to our attention that some of you are seeing a black screen when attempting to launch games and applications.

That's probably the funniest error message we could ever see on the official Xbox Live Status site.