Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

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Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by Zaarock »

a basic mechanics and techniques guide, mostly showing differences to Virtual-On OT along with new features and advanced techniques.

I'll edit the post when I have something to add or fix, feel free to post new findings or corrections.

Virtual-On Force guide (by zaarock)

Table of Contents:

Gameplay Mechanics
Advanced Techniques

Gameplay Mechanics


A team wins if the opposite teams leader is destroyed or the time runs out while the team has the most total health. You get a "Perfect" if both enemy VRs were destroyed.

Locking on:

Jumping lock-on happens either at the top height of a jump or once you land from a canceled jump. This means that if you air dash in the middle of a jump you won't rotate automatically. You can still air dash from the top height. You always end up facing the opponent after a jump cancel, unlike in VOOT where if you make a short one you might not have time to turn enough because the lock-on/rotation happens during the jump.

You will also lock-on automatically when you get back up from a knockdown. Pay attention while you're down so you can switch targets if necessary.

Most VRs have an attack that if hits will disable lockon by jumping, if this happens the target VR gets visual noise and a noticable sound. This also happens to both players of a team if an enemy VR that is not the leader is destroyed.

If you finish off the secondary enemy VR with a dash attack you will start rotating towards the leader afterwards.

Switching targets:

You can switch the enemy you want to target by pushing both turbos, this will not cancel a dash. This can be done at any time as long as you're not attacking or in the middle of jump lock-on. You can also set a separate button for this in the port.

On the HUD double attack means that both players in your team are targeting the same enemy. Lock-on alert blinks when you are being targeted by both enemies. ENE1 and ENE2 signify which enemies are targeting you. Your target is shown as an outlined red arrow on the minimap.

Rescue dash:

Pushing the "special" button will make you dash at your teammate and make a distinguishable sound. You can do it from the ground and the air. This depletes all your weapon gauges but you can always do it as long as you have health left. Once you reach your teammate the teams health will be balanced out with the same total amount as before. If you push the button while you are very close to your teammate your weapon gauges will not be depleted. Angelan SH can also redistribute health with her TCW.

If your teammate is corrupted/destroyed you will also revive him. However, you can also revive a teammate and balance the health just by moving inside the circle he is in, making you keep your weapon gauges. So if you can get into the circle fairly safely it's a better idea not to use the rescue dash.

You and your teammate get momentary invulnerability if one is revived.

VR states, weapon disables

blue glow: stunned
grey particles/static: jump lock-on disabled
white circle: invulnerability (angelan MH TCW, specineff TLW)
transparency (blinking): invulnerability
transparency (pixellated): VR with stealth ability isn't attacking/dashing
large white circle, knocked down: corrupted, revivable

A red X and skull over a weapon means that its projectile attacks are disabled, yellow means that melee is disabled.

Various projectiles can also get stuck on a VR, slowing down movement and/or causing damage.

Angelan WH's TCW removes all status ailments from her teammate.

Air dashing:

The length of an air dash depends on how high you jump. If you air dash before you reach the apex of your jump you won't automatically rotate towards your target.

Turbo attacks:

Both turbos make the same attack variant if combined with an attack, unlike in oratan where you had left turbo (LT) and right turbo (RT) variants.

Crouch attacks:

You can do crouching attacks if you keep holding the crouch input, unlike in VOOT where you need to give the crouch input and attack at the same time. Looks like you cant do any crouch attacks quickly after landing from a jump?

There are no crouch dashing or crouching melee attacks, but some melee attack variants make VRs crouch while attacking. There are no crouching turbo attacks apart from some VR-specific special attacks.

Sliding attacks(moving crouch attacks) can only be performed moving to the left or right and can't be performed within range 120 from an enemy because you will start blocking(see guard/block).

Quick Step attacks:

Quickstepping around your opponent in melee range is now much easier to do, but you cant do it without attacking. Just move left or right while doing a melee attack without turbo and you will rotate around the enemy (no quicksteps that go forwards/backwards this time) You can cancel the attack and quickstep by blocking.

You can also combo into quickstep turbo attacks by inputting them after a normal quickstep attack. Quickstep turbo attacks can also be performed from a guard (see advanced techniques) Quickstep turbo attacks have more time to be cancelled (with guard, dash, etc.) compared to stationary ones.

Uppercut melee:

Moving backwards from the enemy while triggering any melee attack will make you do an uppercut attack. This attack makes you rotate towards the opponent much less than the jump melee attack.


You can always block with the crouch input as long as there is an enemy close to you (range is 120) and you block melee attacks from all directions. Turbo melee attacks break the guard but do significantly less damage when doing so.

If you block an enemy melee attack and push an attack button quickly afterwards you will do a guard reversal attack similar to the blocking attacks in VOOT, except in this game it knocks people down on block. If you move while doing it you will strafe. You don't need to be targeting an enemy to do the reversal.

Watari Dashing:

Watari dashing (switching directions in the middle of a dash, also changes attacks) is much slower than in VOOT. If you start an air dash from a short jump you might not even have time to start switching directions.

Watari dashing has strange properties in that you can start a forward dash attack even though your VR is still turning to face forward. Doing a 180 and attacking has great evasive properties because you move in a circle (japanese wiki calls it a boomerang attack)

Shooting projectiles in melee range

To shoot projectiles in melee range you just switch targets and attack. If you want to do a turbo attack you can attack and switch targets at the same time (because target switch is both turbos).

Ground dash cancel recovery

Cancelling ground dashes by pushing a turbo button during a dash has fairly a long recovery animation, but you can control your characters movement during it. This plays a big role in movement as you can for example cancel a dash and then "slide" towards the opposite direction.

Dash and landing freezes:

Dashing attack freezes are shorter than in VOOT in comparison to the speed of the game and there is very little freeze from landing unless you have attacked while being in the air. Doing ground dash attacks off of platforms is beneficial; the attack animation gets skipped and you will land with a fast recovery.

Close Combat system details
The melee system is fairly different from OT and OMG so I'll explain it comprehensively. Close combat is powerful in VO4 as its speed compared to normal attacks is increased as is the amount of guaranteed hit scenarios (for example meleeing targets landing from the air)

Normal melee:
- performed by inputting a weapon while its gauge is displayed as yellow(melee range)
- you can strafe/quickstep by holding left or right while attacking. However this massively reduces how much the attack approaches the enemy.

Turbo melee:
- performed with turbo+weapon
- slower, more damaging attack that also punishes blocking
- knocks down and causes some damage on block
- quicksteppable with a trick(see advanced techniques) which also reduces the risks involved

Uppercut melee:
- performed by holding downwards and attack
- designed to hit jumping opponents, but the amount of rotation/tracking is very small (30 degrees)

Jump melee:
- performed with attack+jump (need to input attack first)
- only melee attack that doesn't make you move towards your opponent during startup
- always aims at the opponent, can turn 180 degrees during startup
- causes bigger blockstun

Dashing melee:
- performed by rotating and attacking while dashing. you can use rotation to manipulate the direction and speed of the swing.
- can be very useful, but as the recovery time is fairly long expect to be punished if these get blocked

Guard reversal melee:
- accessible by pushing LW or RW after blocking any melee attack. You can strafe/slide while performing it by inputting movement
- generally fast but not cancellable until the end of active frames
- knocks the enemy down if they block

Cancel system and combos:

Uncancellable: jump melee, uppercut, turbo melee as part of a combo
Guard cancellable: second attack of auto strings (like RW,RW), regular turbo melee
Guard cancellable including active frames: normal melee, individual quickstep turbo melee(see advanced techniques)
Cancellable into jump melee: any guard cancellable attack, anything you can jump out of (like ground dash recovery)
Cancellable into jump melee including active frames: normal melee

Comboable into turbo melee: normal melee (this kind of turbo melee cannot be cancelled out of)
Comboable into jump melee: guard reversal melee
Comboable into uppercut: normal melee

Comboable into normal LW/RW melee: normal LW/RW melee while inputting rotation. Only a little faster than just guard cancelling the end of the first attack.

Ground stab(special attack on downed VRs):
- performed by pushing a weapon in melee range next to a knocked down opponent when the RW bar has turned green
- seems to be guaranteed after some knockdowns(melee and air knockdowns are longer), may depend on VR/speed of the attack
- plays an important role since many attacks have low damage but still knock down

Special attack list for every VR: (by Jecht Striker)

Translations for ingame tutorial (goes through the basics nicely): (by JKTrix @ oratan)

Advanced Techniques

Increased rotation for ground dash attacks (can lock 180 degrees for some attacks)

You will aim towards the opponent far faster before firing than normal and be able to fire at a larger angle.

Saved rotation method

0. begin a ground dash, optional: hold the dash button during all steps (turbo rotation)
1. rotate towards opponent while dashing
2. start holding crouch + rotate
3. keep holding crouch and fire a weapon

Basically if your target is 170 degrees to the left, you hold left rotate, "lock" the rotation with crouch and then fire.

Alternative method (timed rotation):

0. input a dash attack and rotate at the same time, strict timing.

-Hard to pull off on twin sticks?
-If playing on pad with default control arrangement, you need to set LB/RB to rotate. Otherwise you have no way of rotating and crouching at the same time.
-Doesn't work well for some VRs and attacks, but for some extremely useful (Temjin 707-J+, single shot from forward dash attack)

Individual quickstep turbo melee

You can do quickstep turbo CC attacks from a guard with the following technique:
1. hold guard (the animation must be finished), a turbo button and a direction.
2. release guard and push an attack button at the same time.

Quickstep turbo CC has a big cancel window, usually you can even guard cancel them after the attack hits the opponent.

Rapid Dash Cancelling

Doing extremely small dashes while holding the movement direction can be an efficient and safe way to move around, since you can jump out of the recovery and quickly access normal attacks while covering a lot of distance. Usability/speed depends on the VR and the length of recovery animation of the specific dash direction. Messes up the homing on most attacks that might be flying at you since your speed keeps going back and forth.

Shot dislocation

Very useful for VRs with long weapons like Temjin, Specineff, Kagekiyo(spear).

walk diagonally, your attack will come out from the front left or front right of your VR

Input left or right and attack at the same time. If you move back and forth or rotate before inputting the direction the timing is easier(gets buffered a little I guess). Your VR will hold its weapon/hand to the opposite side and fire from it. Timing is strict.

If the attack comes out of the tip of the weapon or arm it can come out from a very different horizontal position, depending on the VR.

input walking attack after a stationary crouching attack that is cancellable(?). you will fire from above your VR and over walls. Also possible by cancelling rotation into a walking attack with some VRs(Temjin,?)

You can use these techniques to shoot from behind walls and vary the positions of your shots so that they are more likely to hit moving opponents.

Reducing freeze times

Attacking after a dash:

If you attempt to go into regular melee from a dash, you generally either have to jump cancel or cancel the dash, but either way there is some lag. If you allow the dash to compete, it has end lag, but you can immediately cancel into any melee or shot. This means that it is preferable to space a dash such that it ends where you wish to attack, if you wish to do something other than dashing cc. It is still faster to move with dash cancels, as they have movement delay, but this is better for attacking purposes. (from tehxdemixazn @ oratan)

Especially useful for VRs with short dashes (specineff, raiden)

Attacking off platforms:

Slide off a platform during a dash attack animation to cut it off. The landing freeze time is much shorter than a dash attack's, unlike in VOOT.

Prediction shots

Rotate and end a ground dash with the shot lined up. If you let the dash finish you can attack faster than by cancelling. (notice Reducing freeze times section)


1. input and release a movement direction
2. do the same for another direction 90 degrees off from the previous
3. repeat

You can walk very fast with some VRs by doing this. Hard to input since you need to avoid diagonals. Movement speed gained and timing required for the taps is different between VRs. Not very useful but some VRs move as fast as dashing while doing it.

Unlockables (xbox360 ver.)

Unlocking Virtuaroids

You unlock virtuaroids in the port by completing missions in mission mode or ranking up in Ranked Match. After each mission you will unlock one or more "cards" with a star rank attached to it. The higher the rank the rarer the card, and you are more likely to get higher rank cards on the later missions. If it says NEW on the top right, it's a new virtuaroid. Otherwise it's a color scheme for one you already have.

All virtuaroids apart from the Kagekiyo series, Guarayakha, Temjin 707J+, 10/80adv, Apharmd "the hatter" and Jaguarandi have "commander" variants that are considered seperate VRs but only look different from the main variant(excluding Bal-series and Temjin 707J/c). The commander types are fairly rare unlocks. For the Bal-series these are the female variants, for Angelan and Fei-Yen a + is added to the end of the name and for Specineff and Myzr they are called Type-R. For all others the name just ends with /c, meaning commander.

Two new VRs that weren't in the arcade version were added to the port: Apharmd the hatter and Jaguarandi. The Jaguarandi is the one Guarayakha can transform into. You can't use him in versus mode.

Color schemes

Each VR has 12 color schemes in total. In mission mode you will unlock a color scheme for the VR you are using every time you beat a mission. It is displayed as a card like the VRs you unlock, but it never says NEW in the top right. Once you have the 11 color schemes from the cards you will still keep getting a card with the VR you are using. Once you've unlocked most of the VRs you can get color schemes for VRs you didn't use in the mission.

All of the color schemes are received through cards in mission mode like the VRs apart from the 12th, a shadow VR color scheme you unlock for reaching 101% sync ratio with the VR.

There are no custom color scheme options like the ones in VOOT MSBS 5.45 and 5.66.

EX option points

You can get more EX option points by beating missions or arcade mode and collecting the crystals that randomly appear in both modes.

AI points

AI points are unlocked by getting wins with the AI in arcade or mission mode, beating missions or arcade mode and collecting the discs that randomly appear in both modes.


Thanks to (japanese VO4 wiki), tehxdemixazn ( forum)
for info on advanced techniques.
Last edited by Zaarock on 26 Feb 2016, 07:31, edited 111 times in total.
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Re: Virtual-On Force mechanics/techniques discussion

Post by MasterFygar »

Very good guide, Zaarock. Thanks for putting this together. That answers any confusions I've been having.
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Re: Virtual-On Force basic mechanics/techniques

Post by Aryudsoh »

Thanks for the thread. I'll read it more in-depth when the game arrives.
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Re: Virtual-On Force basic mechanics/techniques

Post by yktan »

Thanks for the guide. Really helped in my Force experience.

How about dash vectoring? Dash Vectoring seems to be nerfed in Force (or maybe I sucked?) when compared to OT.

E.g. Frontal Dash attack just after an opponent does a Side Dash attack doesn't connect.
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Re: Virtual-On Force basic mechanics/techniques

Post by VR-Eli »

yktan wrote:Thanks for the guide. Really helped in my Force experience.

How about dash vectoring? Dash Vectoring seems to be nerfed in Force (or maybe I sucked?) when compared to OT.

E.g. Frontal Dash attack just after an opponent does a Side Dash attack doesn't connect.
Yeah a lot of the attacks don't turn your VR around nearly as much as they did in VOOT. So far the only VR that's even close is Temjin 747-T who seems to be a throwback to VOOT/VOOM in terms of speed and performance despite a major lack of armor.
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Re: Virtual-On Force basic mechanics/techniques

Post by Zaarock »

Added an unlockables section to the first post, probably missing some details though.

Yeah, dash vectoring is hard to do, especially in the air. You pretty much need to do the vectoring before the enemy even starts its attack, but if you turn more than 90 degrees its a bit easier to confuse enemies.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by VR-Eli »

Any idea on what the heck cloaking does aside from it looking cool and being used by some very dorky looking VR's? (Looking at you VOX Uta and Apharmd Type X)
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by Zaarock »

It doesn't do anything, but all the VRs with it have something that disables lock-on as one of their main weapons so thats sort of fitting. Apharmd J Type X is pretty good at least.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

On turbo side stepping attacks, the attacks become more cancellable than usual. What I mean is that for multihit attacks and the like, you will be able to cancel them in between animations unlike if you use them normally. Also, for down attacks, any trigger can be used. This can be useful since a lot of virtuaroids have long range CW melee.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by Zaarock »

Thanks, I was just beginning to notice how you can cancel turbo attacks with guard sometimes and there is the reason. updated.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

Also, you'll notice that if you attempt to go into regular melee from a dash, you generally either have to jump cancel or cancel the dash, but either way there is some lag. If you allow the dash to compete, it has end lag, but you can immediately cancel into any melee or shot. This means that it is preferable to space a dash such that it ends where you wish to attack, if you wish to do something other than dashing cc. It is still faster to move with dash cancels, as they have movement delay, but this is better for attacking purposes.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

Also, found this site that has a collection of the VR's and some of their special functions. Seems useful no? On further inspection, it is of course incomplete, but it seems a good start on most of the VR's, excluding the BAL and APHARMD T series. I suggest we salvage what we can from it and then build upon it.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by Zaarock »

Yep. There are also various japanese sites with all attack stats etc. for all VRs, I've forgotten what they were though. Could just link to those in the guide as translations shouldnt be necessary and it's a lot of data.

edit: here is a similar basic VR info page like the one you linked, but in japanese: ... tlink.html , seems pretty good.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

I just want to say explain in case people don't know that may of the VRs could be considered "nerfed" from VOOT, in the sense that all the attacks a VR had in VOOT are distributed out among the many variants now. A good example is the BAL series. The numerous options that existed in VOOT are drastically reduced, some attacks have been removed altogether, and others are split among the variants, some require two BALs to use even. Raiden's cage laser, Cypher's split homing laser, Angelan's everything are some good examples. After checking numbers, roughly 15 dashing crouch attacks and 9-15 turbo attacks have been removed from each VR, as well as some specials. Sadface.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

Another thing to add, it seems that some Commander variants ARE in fact slightly different. The example I just found was with the BAL series. For instance, the Commander BAL with 2 legs has a different TCW than the regular BAL with 2 legs. Of course there are also the armor breaks for the Commander temjin 747s. I wonder how many changes there are for the others...
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by guarayakha »

tehxdemixazn wrote:Another thing to add, it seems that some Commander variants ARE in fact slightly different. The example I just found was with the BAL series. For instance, the Commander BAL with 2 legs has a different TCW than the regular BAL with 2 legs. Of course there are also the armor breaks for the Commander temjin 747s. I wonder how many changes there are for the others...
Those Bal aren't commander units, there are only male/female versions of them :)
Armor breaks are available for 747H, 747T and 747F, I believe. Still digging through some old Force-related stuffs on my PC. I think I have a list of some sort for special moves...
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

Well, their version of a commander, rare and all, you know what I mean. >_< On a side note, has anyone figured out the split screen? I can't seem to load my VR data on the 2nd player. Unlocking everything twice seems a bit stupid.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by tehxdemixazn »

Another random tidbit, all of the BAL series can still use their jumping melee with all their ERLs ejected... except the 2 leg variants. Not sure WHY exactly, but it's something to keep in mind if you are using them in CC. Another weird glitch is that with the Kagekiyo with the bow sword, using a downed attack will change the right blade into the standard Kagekiyo's sword inexplicably. Graphical bug I think.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by JKTrix »

I got this game a few days ago, and in going through the tutorial I used this thread and a couple of other resources to figure out what I was supposed to do. I took notes, so I figured I would register and share my notes for other new folks that might be starting. Note that these are not exactly translations of the requirements, they're just what I did to clear the tutorial requirements.

Hope it helps.

--Tutorial 1: Basics--
a. Just move forward/back/left/right 3 times. The numbers will go down as you do them.
b. Dash in the 4 directions 3 times each.
c. Jump and Jump Cancel 2 times each (you can get them both at the same time).
d. Shoot RW, LW and CW 2 times each.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 2: Shooting--
a. Shoot TRW, TLW and TCW 2 times each.
b. Perform Dash RW, LW and CW 2 times each (any direction).
c. Perform Jump RW, LW and CW 2 times each.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 3: More Dashing--
a. Air Dash in the 4 directions 2 times each.
b. Perform Air Dash RW, LW and CW 2 times each (any direction).
c. "Vertical Turn" (Watari Dash) 5 times. Change direction during a dash.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 4: Rotation--
a. Rotate left and right 2 times each.
b. Rotate left and right while dashing 2 times each. Make sure you let go of the movement stick while dashing if not playing 'twin' style.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 5: Melee 1--
a. Get into melee range.
b. Perform RW, LW and CW melee 3 times each.
c. Guard against two attacks.
d. Perform Quick Step RW, LW and CW melee 2 times each.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 6: Melee 2--
a. Perform Dash RW, LW and CW melee 2 times each. Dash straight towards enemy, when in melee range, pull back on the movement stick then attack.
b. Perform Jump melee 2 times (Jump + Any weapon at the same time, in melee range).
c. Perform Uppercut 2 times (pull back on the movement stick + any weapon in melee range).
d. Perform TRW, TLW and TCW melee 2 times each.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 7: Targeting--
a. Change target 2 times.
b. Win the battle.

--Tutorial 8: Rescue Dash--
a. Perform Rescue Dash 2 times.
b. Win the battle.

--Tutorial 9: Advanced Techniques--
a. Dash then Jump then Jump Cancel 2 times.
b. Dash attack then Jump 2 times.
c. Guard Cancel a melee attack 2 times. The melee must hit before you cancel with Guard.
d. Cancel a Ground Dash Attack by falling off a raised platform 2 times. The 'bullet' must come out before canceling.
e. Melee, then Melee while rotating 2 times. You can hold the rotation after the input for the first melee, then press the 2nd melee. To make it easier, start with pressing either LW or RW, hold Rotate, then press the opposite Weapon button.
f. Follow a Quick Step Melee combo with a Turbo Melee 2 times.
g. Perform Quick Step Turbo Melee 2 times.
Zaarock wrote: You can do quickstep turbo attacks from a guard with the following technique:
1. hold guard (the animation must be finished), a turbo button and a direction
2. release guard and push an attack button at the same time
h. Dash, Rotate, Shoot 5 times. How I did it: Ground dash and keep holding Turbo. Rotate in the direction of your target a little, then press Guard and Attack. This is the one that gave me the most trouble--someone more experienced may be able to explain it better.
End: Win the battle.

--Tutorial 10--
a. Just win.
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Re: Virtual-On Force guide (WIP) / techniques discussion

Post by MentholMoose »

Nice first post, welcome to the forum!!