Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

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Re: Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

Post by Heiligekuh »

I can still pull out the PCB and add the special button at a later date. I wanted to get used to playing with sticks again to see what spot would be accessible. I have a wire already attached to BACK on the PCB, coiled and waiting if I decide to add it later.

Thanks for the kind words.
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Re: Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

Post by Billkwando »

Heiligekuh wrote:I can still pull out the PCB and add the special button at a later date. I wanted to get used to playing with sticks again to see what spot would be accessible. I have a wire already attached to BACK on the PCB, coiled and waiting if I decide to add it later.

Thanks for the kind words.
No prob! It really looks great. Is it a reversable mod or is the stick Saturnless now?
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Re: Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

Post by Heiligekuh »

It's certainly not cleanly reversible in the style of Menhtol's DC mod. I have removed the Saturn PCB, and had to clip the pin headers from internal wires. That said, I attached eyelets to all of those internal wires and connected them to a barrier strip (that's what's under the big mess of wires), which has eyelets from the 360 PCB on the other side.

If I needed to rewire the Saturn PCB, I would run new wires from the board with eleyets on the end and replace the 360 wires on the barrier.

That said, I'm never going to use this on a Saturn or DC again.
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Re: Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

Post by Oolong »

Damn, I'd love to make the jump, but seeing as how I'm far from tech-savvy, I'll wait for an official announcement on 360 sticks.

If not, I'm gonna try to hit up one of you WC cats for a commission job ;)
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Re: Modded Saturn Twin Sticks for Xbox 360 - in progress

Post by Heiligekuh »

If you have access to some older sticks, I'd say it's worth it. There's a small level of challenge, but the ****-up tolerance is pretty high. I am a shaky-handed old man and it turned out ok.