Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
- Virtual-On Positive
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Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Many forum threads are peppered with VO-related Yahoo! Japan Auctions links, but it would be nice to consolidate them here with the pics. So if you find any useful auctions, post them here. Also, attach the images here since YJA will delete them after a while (along with the auction itself).
For reference here is an exchange rate converter:
Currency Converter - Yahoo! Finance
For reference here is an exchange rate converter:
Currency Converter - Yahoo! Finance
Last edited by MentholMoose on 28 Aug 2010, 23:52, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's an auction... for a VO4 machine! Too bad shipping, to anywhere, really, would be insane. Also it looks to be 2P only. Starting bid is only ¥200,000 (US$2287). EDIT: Someone bought it at this price!!
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロン フォースツイン 筐体
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロン フォースツイン 筐体
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 17 Jul 2010, 14:52, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here was a VO4 control panel that sold for ¥11,600 (US$133). Up until recently this would have sold for about TEN TIMES this price!
セガ バーチャロンフォース コントロールパネル
セガ バーチャロンフォース コントロールパネル
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- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
We need to keep Vash from seeing this. Wouldn't want to destroy his finances or anything.

- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
He'd probably try to mod that panel while he was in a party with us.
Examples of unintended hilarity, generously provided by Vash:
"With Geico, you can save thousands of money!"
"I am the only one playing with myself at night."
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's one for the VO Force ROM with a Hikaru motherboard, with a ¥100,000 reserve price.
バーチャロン フォース PCBジャンク品
Although these have sold for this price in the past, I would be very surprised if this sells. EDIT: Someone actually bought.
バーチャロン フォース PCBジャンク品
Although these have sold for this price in the past, I would be very surprised if this sells. EDIT: Someone actually bought.
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's a Force control panel, ¥10,000 starting bid. EDIT: Sold for ¥21,500.
バーチャロン フォース コントロールパネル
バーチャロン フォース コントロールパネル
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 23 Jul 2010, 11:03, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's something interesting. It's a Model 3 motherboard with VOOT VER.5.4 ROMs, along with a Saturn HSS-0130 controller with a Versus City OMG control panel installed. Reserve price set at ¥85,000. EDIT: forgot the link:
MODEL3 バーチャロン オラトリオタングラム5.4 パネル付き
MODEL3 バーチャロン オラトリオタングラム5.4 パネル付き
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
How about some 5.4 (or 5.2, not sure) panels?! ¥7,000 starting bid on both. DNA side (EDIT: sold for ¥26,000):
バーチャロン コックピットタイプコントローラー 青! RNA side (EDIT: sold for ¥20,500... I guess people like DNA side more?!
バーチャロン コックピットタイプコントローラー 赤!
バーチャロン コックピットタイプコントローラー 青! RNA side (EDIT: sold for ¥20,500... I guess people like DNA side more?!

バーチャロン コックピットタイプコントローラー 赤!
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 23 Jul 2010, 11:04, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
VO Force Card Reader assembly, ¥10,000 with one bid so far. EDIT: Sold for ¥29,500!!
バーチャロン フォース カードリーダー
バーチャロン フォース カードリーダー
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Another card reader (but includes part of the cabinet)... the reserve price is ¥100,000!!
バーチャロンフォース カードリーダー
Also that Force cabinet seems to be on sale again, I guess the buyer backed out. Kind of crazy that someone thinks they can actually sell the card reader for ¥100,000, when a 2P cabinet is available for ¥200,000.
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロン フォースツイン 筐体
バーチャロンフォース カードリーダー
Also that Force cabinet seems to be on sale again, I guess the buyer backed out. Kind of crazy that someone thinks they can actually sell the card reader for ¥100,000, when a 2P cabinet is available for ¥200,000.
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロン フォースツイン 筐体
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here is what you need to run OMG in a Versus City cabinet. The auction includes the harness, service manual, in strike cards, and some other miscellaneous items. It's kind of pricey at ¥10,000 to start (EDIT: sold at that price).
業務用基板 バーチャロン ハーネス付きです
業務用基板 バーチャロン ハーネス付きです
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 28 Aug 2010, 23:54, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Ack. I've needed a Japanese service manual for a long time to solve this "Live Monitor" mystery but there's no way I'm paying full kit price for it. At least I know now there's one out there.

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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
How about some OMG models? Temjin, Belgdor, Apharmd, and Dorkas. Bidding starts at ¥12,000.
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
If there's a reason that auction doesn't sell (it's been on there for at least a year!), it's that it is waaaaaay overpriced.
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Indeed. You can find the individual kits for much cheaper.Viper2 wrote:If there's a reason that auction doesn't sell (it's been on there for at least a year!), it's that it is waaaaaay overpriced.
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
It looks like the guy selling half a Force machine decided to part out the other half. It's kind of sad.
Here are some of the available auctions.
Control Panel - ¥200,000 (EDIT: sold for ¥35,500!!)
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース コントロールパネル Seat - ¥4,800 (EDIT: sold for ¥10,000)
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース シート(イス) Marque assembly - ¥2,800 (EDIT: sold for that price)

Here are some of the available auctions.
Control Panel - ¥200,000 (EDIT: sold for ¥35,500!!)
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース コントロールパネル Seat - ¥4,800 (EDIT: sold for ¥10,000)
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース シート(イス) Marque assembly - ¥2,800 (EDIT: sold for that price)
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 28 Aug 2010, 23:57, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's the PCB for the VO Force pilot card terminal, the machine where you buy the cards. Reserve price set at ¥100,000. Unfortunately the pics are low quality.
I have no interest in purchasing this (especially at this price), but if he puts the marque on auction at a reasonable price, I'll put in a bid.
バーチャロン フォース PCBジャンク品
I have no interest in purchasing this (especially at this price), but if he puts the marque on auction at a reasonable price, I'll put in a bid.
バーチャロン フォース PCBジャンク品
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- Virtual-On Positive
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Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here was an auction for the VO Force cabinet marquees. The auction was for either one, or both at double the price. I went ahead and put in a bid, and won it for ¥1,800!! I have the OMG and VOOT 5.66 marquees, so this will mostly complete my collection (no 5.2/5.4 marquees). I'll post some better pics when I get my hands on these (I guess I should also post some pics of my current ones, too).
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース ビルボードプレート. EDIT: Still waiting on these, though I found the part numbers, VOF-2010 for blue and VOF-2060 for pink.
SEGA 電脳戦機バーチヤロンフォース ビルボードプレート. EDIT: Still waiting on these, though I found the part numbers, VOF-2010 for blue and VOF-2060 for pink.
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Last edited by MentholMoose on 28 Aug 2010, 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
- Virtual-On Positive
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- Joined: 15 Dec 2008, 22:06
Re: Yahoo! Japan Auctions thread
Here's something I've never seen, and wouldn't be surprised if I never see again. Unfortunately I did not win it.
It's the service manual for arcade VOOT VER.5.66, and it sold for ¥5,250.
電脳戦機 バーチャロン 2000 EDITION ツインタイプ 説明書 送込

電脳戦機 バーチャロン 2000 EDITION ツインタイプ 説明書 送込
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