DoDonPachi: SaiDaiouJou Kan

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DoDonPachi: SaiDaiouJou Kan

Post by MentholMoose »

Did anyone pick this up? Is the Limited or Super Limited Edition worth the cost?

X360 DoDonPachi: SaiDaiouJou Kan - Import Update
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Re: DoDonPachi: SaiDaiouJou Kan

Post by DeepInTheHops »

Ordinarily I'd be helpful in situations like this, but I've been out of the loop in the shmups world for a while!

I was lucky enough to play the PCB of this game last year, and it seemed pretty good. But with shmups it's hard to judge how good they are at first because it takes a while to get the hang of scoring systems.

Unfortunately, I can't speak for the quality of the port since I haven't played it. The Shmups Forum thread is 75 pages long, and as usual for Cave games, opinions range from "this game is unplayable" to "I'm having a blast". :roll:

I've never been one to get Limited Edition things. I'm not a collector, so it's not worth it to me. Although I think they sometimes come with a code to get DLC for free (or maybe just pre-orders? I haven't bought a shmup in a long time), so you have to factor that in if that's the case this time around.