I really want to know what the differences are to the official VOOT/Force arcade sticks. if the pics I've seen here: http://virtuafighter.com/threads/virtua ... 215/page-5 are to be believed the grips "look" a lot like the arcade ones but are actually quite different (note the size of the turbot button, the thickness of the grips and the location of the center bolt hole in relation to the edge of the grip.)
I don't think I've ever seen a picture of the stick bases in the Hori units... if anyone has any good pictures of these, or if anyone has a Hori stick they wouldn't mind opening up or snapping some pics of it, I would be very appreciative

Also, anyone who has the Hori sticks, how much do they twist? I know the original arcade sticks have almost 0 play twist wise (and would probably be even better if it were new) I'm curious how the Hori sticks are in this regard.