Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

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Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

Does anyone have any detailed pictures of the stick-bases for the stick that come equipped on the HORI units? I know the original prototypes used the Sanwa Sticks but I don't think I've ever seen any confirmation of what was in the final units.

I really want to know what the differences are to the official VOOT/Force arcade sticks. if the pics I've seen here: http://virtuafighter.com/threads/virtua ... 215/page-5 are to be believed the grips "look" a lot like the arcade ones but are actually quite different (note the size of the turbot button, the thickness of the grips and the location of the center bolt hole in relation to the edge of the grip.)

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of the stick bases in the Hori units... if anyone has any good pictures of these, or if anyone has a Hori stick they wouldn't mind opening up or snapping some pics of it, I would be very appreciative :)

Also, anyone who has the Hori sticks, how much do they twist? I know the original arcade sticks have almost 0 play twist wise (and would probably be even better if it were new) I'm curious how the Hori sticks are in this regard.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by ChexGuy »

hella late but the sticks used pretty much the Sanwa JLJs with different grips
(hori joystick base and sanwa JLJ base)

also found an interesting Japanese blog where the author swaps them out with Seimitsu LSX-57s
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by VOTwinstick »

No twist on the Hori EX -Sanwa made sticks. The bases, thumb & triggers are exactly the same as Sanwa JLJ-PL2-8V. Handle design, obviously is totally different. Only own Happ arcade sticks can't comment on VOOT or FORCE. My Twitter tweets on July 12th 2014 is a complete tear down of Hori EX sticks
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by VOTwinstick »

Hori blown up. Ok, Sanwa exploded view.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by ChexGuy »

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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

Thanks for that! I own an original Arcade VOOT stick (just 1 sadly)... it's completely different than the hori stick you posted up... the only thing that looks the same is the grip but it's unclear if the bolt locations/ shaft diameter is the same.

I'll see if I can find the box I stuffed the stick in and do a similar exploded photo for comparison.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by VOTwinstick »

Your welcome. And thanks ChecGuy finding original tweet in the browser! I tried to do that w IE on Windows 8+ & thing crapped out before I could get to it! Had to do screen shot.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

I dug my stick out of storage and tore it down. I was able to get it completely disassembled except for the hinge parts on the shaft, it's unclear to me how they're supposed to be remove and I didn't want to apply too much force and risk breaking them.


more detailed pictures here: http://solid-orange.com/1229

as you can see it's completely different than the Sanwa sticks.

seeing them side by side the grips are definitely different too. the Sega sticks have a longer squared off shaft. Also notice the Sanwa grips have a wire hole just before the bottom of the grip while the Sega sticks the wires are just routed straight out the bottom.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by MentholMoose »

I'm sure I've posted pics of my disassembled arcade sticks but I can't find them now. Anyway I think yours is the newest variation from a VO4 cab. Mine have different grips (different PCB, and a surface mount switch for the triggers), identical to the ones from DC and SS Twin Sticks.
twistedsymphony wrote:I was able to get it completely disassembled except for the hinge parts on the shaft, it's unclear to me how they're supposed to be remove and I didn't want to apply too much force and risk breaking them.
On mine that pin just slides out.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

MentholMoose wrote:I'm sure I've posted pics of my disassembled arcade sticks but I can't find them now. Anyway I think yours is the newest variation from a VO4 cab. Mine have different grips (different PCB, and a surface mount switch for the triggers), identical to the ones from DC and SS Twin Sticks.
twistedsymphony wrote:I was able to get it completely disassembled except for the hinge parts on the shaft, it's unclear to me how they're supposed to be remove and I didn't want to apply too much force and risk breaking them.
On mine that pin just slides out.

I doubt it's from a VO4 cab, my guess its it was actually from a Outtrigger panel. I bought it in the US from someone who had bought out an op. I also have a set of 4 grips with electronics that I bought from a Sega parts vendors that are identical and they were all listed with the VOT-#### part numbers.

As for the pin, I tried pushing it out but it wont budge, probably rusted in place... maybe I'll try giving it a little more force next time I have it apart.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

I recently just won these two panels on YAJ. So once I get them in I'll know for certain what the Force Sticks look like on the inside :D

SOOO stoked to finally have the proper sticks to go with my Model 3 VOOT boards, now all I'm missing are the marquees.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by MentholMoose »

Nice!! What was the winning bid if you don't mind me asking? I'm afraid to ask about the shipping, but I guess about $180.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

MentholMoose wrote:Nice!! What was the winning bid if you don't mind me asking? I'm afraid to ask about the shipping, but I guess about $180.
the first panel I snagged for about $165 and the second for about $185 including fees and free shipping within Japan :o I don't know why but these seem to totally sneak under the radar, only 1 other person bid on both of them. considering the last two panels I saw sell went for well over $400 I was pretty happy with these prices (though the candy panels do seem to fetch more than the twin panels)

Based on the size and weight I'm guessing around $120 to ship them together to the US... If I'm lucky the seller will separate the sticks from the panels before shipping as that will shrink down the packaging a bit.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

I should also note that Gundam Battle Operating Simulator seems to use the same sticks as Force:
There's a panel up for sale right now: http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k188659350

Sega made this game in 2005 so it might make for a slightly better chance at sourcing the sticks from that game than from any of the VO games. No idea if anything newer used those sticks.

The only other game I know of that used them was Outtrigger, which just used one stick in additional to a track ball.
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

I got my panels in today. I can confirm that all 4 sticks (or at least the grips and the buttons) are identical to the one I took apart.


also an interesting note 3 of the 4 dust washers have "Sanwa" embossed on them
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Re: Difference between Hori Sticks and actual arcade sticks

Post by twistedsymphony »

I've taken the grips off of all the sticks on my Force panel for cleaning and I actually found a few variations

the restrictor plate is slightly different from the one in my pictures, it uses less structural material, also the shafts are different where they have square sections where the bolt goes through from the grips but the rest of the rod is cylindrical, unlike the stick I took apart where the whole grip section was squared off....

none of them have the white plastic square piece on the rod on top of the ball joint either.... it's just missing the rods just have the alignment pin and the black half-sphere and that's it.

I'll take them further apart later and document any other differences.