Grys-Vok advanced napalm, Cypher double daggers

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Grys-Vok advanced napalm, Cypher double daggers

Post by Porcupine »

Next year I'm going to reveal a giant frame data list. So far I have frame data for all moves and cancels of Fei-Yen, Temjin, Cypher, and Grys-Vok. However that thread is going to focus on how fast the moves come out and transition into each other. The frames in that list address performance. While they are often similar to the frames for inputting the cancels, it varies depending on the kind of glitch or cancel. As a precursor to that thread, I'll discuss specific techniques I've wanted to study for a while.

Looking at frame data, many cancels in the game are proven as glitches. Because there is a mechanical explanation for what enables certain families of cancels. For example, quick-recovering moves like standing, walking, and LT attacks are supposed to recover on frame 1, meaning you are free to do some things on the frame after the projectile appears. But some of these recover slightly later, such as on frame 2 or 3. And some screwed up attacks recover on frame 0, or even before shooting at negative frames.

Recovery -1 moves lead to a family of frame-perfect difficult cancels like the classic Raiden instant laser (standing RW canceled away into an instant CW). Grys-Vok standing LW napalm is also a recovery -1 move that can be canceled into many different attacks, either as instant shots (the LW never comes out) or chained as little as 1 frame after the LW.

More unusual is Grys-Vok walking LW napalm, which recovers at -7 frames. This likewise enables instant walking attacks or chained moves. A unique followup is the classic Grys-Vok double napalm, walking LW into sliding crouch LW. It's enabled by the -7 frame recovery, and easy to time because you get a 7 frame window to do it. The only challenge is being physically able to double tap LW within the time it takes walking LW to fire, which is 11 frames. This is not trivially easy, but far from difficult. Because the game doesn't check if you have enough ammo for the crouch LW, you get it for free.

Less commonly known is that you do not have to hold down LW after the second press, even though this particular chain isn't immediate and crouch LW does not appear until 8 frames after the walking LW napalm fires. You can also press crouch anytime, the only thing that matters is that crouch is held down just prior to the crouch LW appearing. For advanced players this means the double napalm does not require you to commit. You can decide not to shoot the crouch napalm by letting go of crouch.

Recovery 0 moves lead to a family of frame-perfect difficult cancels where the first move shoots then the second move chains in, coming out semi-instantly but at a delayed time. The input timing is the same as the recovery -1 family, register the second attack on the frame before the first move fires. Most of these are similar to Grys-Vok double napalm with stricter timing. Keep in mind that LW and RW key presses need 3 frames to register, unlike CW presses which register immediately.

Grys-Vok walking RW is a 9 frame attack with a 0 frame recovery. Performing walking RW into sliding crouch LW as instructed leads to the Grys-Vok zero napalm technique. The timing on the LW press is frame perfect, but you need not continue to hold it down until the crouch LW appears (11 frames after the RW missile). Crouch only needs to be pressed just prior to the crouch LW appearing. You must have enough ammo to do a standing LW to do this technique. If you also have less ammo than required for a normal plain crouch LW, then you get the crouch LW for free.

If you have enough ammo for a regular crouch LW, you can instead do Grys-Vok double crouching napalm. Perform the zero napalm, but press LW a second time, as the first crouch LW is firing. You do not need to press crouch. The second crouch LW uses no ammo. This works because when you do a glitch cancel from this family, the frames of the followup move are shifted to become semi-instant. For some burst and spread attacks the removal of ammo is not equally shifted, allowing an extra attack.

Cypher walking RW is a 6 frame attack with a 0 frame recovery. Cypher double daggers are performed with an identical input to the double crouching napalm and work for the same reason. Likewise, the timing on the first LW press is frame-perfect but there is a window for the second LW press. It begins when the first crouch LW fires, and ends midway through when your ammo is taken.

Grys-Vok triple crouching missiles are done by chaining walking RW into sliding crouch CW, which can fire an extra time with this method. Just mash for both the second and third CW as the timing is lenient. This technique is in the recovery 0 family but there are additional ways to do it. Besides the 1 frame before RW fires, you can also press CW any time before that (an extra 6 frame window). Starting on the frame the RW missile appears, there is a bad 5 frame window which will cause Grys-Vok to chain into standing CW instead. After that there is a 6 frame window where once again you can chain into crouch CW.

You only need to press crouch just prior to the first crouch CW, but if you take advantage of either of the additional frame windows you must hold down CW all the way until the first crouch CW starts. This is awkward since you need to hold CW then start mashing it, but it's better than relying on the frame-perfect input. The bad 5 frame window in the middle is weird too, especially considering Grys-Vok can naturally chain walking RW into walking CW in a much larger window than that.
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Re: Grys-Vok advanced napalm, Cypher double daggers

Post by Porcupine »

KATENASASOSU discovered a powerful Grys-Vok glitch that may be new. Thanks to my knowledge of frame data I was able to immediately copy it. To perform Grys-Vok double crLTCW do a crLTCW, then on frame 3 input LTCW again. If you want you can just hold down turbo and/or crouch. This will cause a second group of crLTCW to chain immediately after the first crLTCW for 8 missiles total. The second crLTCW uses no ammo. This is a frame-perfect cancel but in practice the challenge is to double tap CW quickly enough. It may be necessary to map one or even two separate CW buttons. If you have a turbo controller this technique can become trivially easy, the proper mash rate is 20 per second, but higher might also work.

Normal crLTCW is a 5 frame attack to the first pair of missiles. It recovers slightly late for a LT attack, Grys-Vok can't dash until frame 3 after the first pair of missiles appear. If he doesn't mind waiting a bit, the second pair of missiles appear 4 frames after the first pair, and Grys-Vok can cancel into a dash on the frame after that. (If he dashes on the exact frame the second pair of missiles fire, they don't appear). With the double crLTCW technique, the third pair of missiles appears 8 frames after the second pair, with the fourth pair following another 4 frames later. You can cancel the extra missiles away with a dash if you sense danger.

There is no way to do a free triple crLTCW, but you can extend the crLTCW stream with the usual method of rotation canceling. Performed perfectly it is also quite rapid, with as little as a 12 frame interval. (For reference, the standard Grys-Vok crCW also has a 12 frame interval). With each rotation cancel you can input another free double crLTCW. It is possible to half-cancel the double crLTCW to save on ammo even more, but it's even more physically challenging than normal half-canceled crLTCW, which is already very difficult due to how quick crLTCW comes out.