VO: Force - who's in?!

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VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MentholMoose »

Now that it's been confirmed that Virtual On Force is region free (thanks Cacophanus!!), who's buying it? Post and I'll add your name to the list! :D

Confirmed VO Force players:
  1. Andarel
  2. anikingVOOT
  3. Aryudsoh
  4. Beldub
  5. chunkypuff31
  6. darksakul
  7. Davo87
  8. DeadScreenSky
  9. DeepInTheHops
  10. Dinkleseed
  11. Fredo
  12. Gideon Zhi
  13. guarayakha
  14. Knoxximus
  15. Kuren
  16. L-e-W
  17. Long Shadow
  18. MasterFygar
  19. MentholMoose
  20. MurderDeathKill
  21. neo helbeast
  22. NGEFreek
  23. Neohawk
  24. PhantomPhotonX
  25. PizzaDrill
  26. Puck Yeah
  27. RayLancer
  28. S-Advent
  29. Saff
  30. shamanic_beat
  31. Sixfortyfive
  32. SolarSonic
  33. Some_Nob
  34. somepunk
  35. sploit
  36. supergoldzero
  37. tango602
  38. The World - 2.0
  39. TheCalcutec
  40. The Mexican9894
  41. tehxdemixazn
  42. Temujin
  43. UndeadShogun
  44. VR-Eli
  45. Zaarock
Last edited by MentholMoose on 31 Aug 2011, 20:12, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Kuren »

I've got it already in hand. :) Yay!
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by chunkypuff31 »

I'm in, though I promised that it would be a birthday present for myself, so I won't start playing until next month.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by shamanic_beat »

Notsureifwant for me, but here is a list of Japanese on my friend list playing Force right now: anikingVOOT, chasiumen, Hakusyaku, k0419 and kouki051hemo are playing Force. It's more popular than I thought.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Zaarock »

Me and LMA I Teuska are getting Force, prepare to be destroyed by team finland :twisted:

shamanic_beat wrote:Notsureifwant for me, but here is a list of Japanese on my friend list playing Force right now: anikingVOOT, chasiumen, Hakusyaku, k0419 and kouki051hemo are playing Force. It's more popular than I thought.
On my list just now, not including the ones you listed: HBV512(now GK RAIDEN), GFmisobom, PSZR. I also asked Aniking how the lag is and he said it isn't noticable (he was playing coop with someone in japan), sweet.

edit: VO+ get, and my order just shipped :)

edit2: should get my copy on the 27th.
Last edited by Zaarock on 22 Dec 2010, 07:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by DeepInTheHops »

Yeah, I assume I should be getting my copy early next week.

I've been getting Open Tray errors, though, so hopefully that won't stop me from playing. I've been ignoring it for two reasons:
1.) Pretty much everything I play is an XBLA game
2.) I've been successfully using the "tap on the lid while it loads" workaround. For some reason this brings back memories of blowing into NES carts.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Long Shadow »

Count me in. I've just ordered since getting confirmation of it's region free-ness. I should get it in a week or 2.

Normal Japanese version for me. Memorial version was very tempting, but these online importers put too much of a premium price on it.

I REALLY need to play more VOOT in the mean time.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MasterFygar »

I'm getting the Memorial Box sometime soon (ground shipping...) and Dinkleseed is as soon as he gets Christmas money =P We will be a force to be reckoned with. TEAM PHISHBOAL!!!1

Again, feel free to put the crappy sig add on I'm using in your sig if you want to show it off xD


EDIT: Hey, I just realized I accidentally payed for UPS Ground instead of USPS Ground, so that's like, 5 days or so (of course a little more because of the whole Japan thing)! Woot!
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Sixfortyfive »

I might get in on this soon. I'll be picking up the game for sure but I don't know if I'll be online much because my ISP has been absolutely terrible lately and I doubt I'll be quick to renew my Live subscription next month.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Dinkleseed »

I'm chips all in!... As soon as I get paid that is. XD But seriously, this game is going to be awesome!
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Fredo »

I'm obviously in !

Eventhough, I don't know when I'll buy it.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by anikingVOOT »

How have you guys been?

I got Force already and playing. Im looking forward to play with you guys as an ally.

P.S Chasiumen and I played coop yesterday.
He is in japan now for vacation and we didnt feel a big lug... Thats a good thing, i guess.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by neoKEN »

As long as it isn't hard to find while in Japan, expect to see me soon :)
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by oldboy »

So is this game 2v2 only? Is there an option for 1v1?
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by somepunk »

Back from the Grave, that shoryuken post woke me up. I'm buying my copy as I type this :) Then I'll just get some cash from live and join you guys
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Sixfortyfive »

Went ahead and ordered this from NCSX, though they said it'd be a few days before they could restock.

Let's do this.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MasterFygar »

I just got a notice from NCSX, my MemBox ships tonight.

They're only in NY so I'm expecting it will come fairly soon (except for the whole no mail on Christmas thing, haha).
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MurderDeathKill »

...well damn, time to fire up VOOT for some practice while my order ships.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by RayLancer »

MasterFygar wrote:I just got a notice from NCSX, my MemBox ships tonight.

They're only in NY so I'm expecting it will come fairly soon (except for the whole no mail on Christmas thing, haha).
How much was it from NCSX?

Also anyone know for a fact that the Asian and Japanese version are compatible with eachother? I might just get the Asian version to save some money, though I don't think that one comes with the pre-order bonus.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MurderDeathKill »

The U.S. and Japanese versions of VOOT were able to play each other online; there's no reason to think SEGA would change that for Force.