VO: Force - who's in?!

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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Knoxximus »

Aryudsoh wrote:I've ordered the Memorial Box. Status says waiting for stock to arrive so here's hoping!

@ Knoxximus: So You already had TWO pairs of 360 twin sticks and were UNSURE about whether or not to take the plunge for VO4???

I'd get my monies worth and get every VO game they release for the system!
I know right?!? Hey, where did you order the MemBox from? I'd love to get one!

BTW...Hey Menthol! You get 20 gamerscore just for putting the damn disc in so your days of 200 points are OVER! LMAO! :lol:

EDIT:...and hot DAMN I love Sega music...it's MAGICAL! I have VO4 menu screen on while typing this...it is just so soothing and nostalgic at the same time! :mrgreen:
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by RayLancer »

My gamertag is RayLancer. I'm a big VO noob, and if anyone adds me just say you're from oratan. My copy arrived today from Play-Asia (I got the Asian version) so I've been trying to get used to the controls before jumping online.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by VR-Eli »

I got my copy in from play-asia too, so count me in the line-up. From what I've played, it makes me even more pissed off at MARZ. When you have 4 people going at it, the lack of speed and rate of fire actually start to make a little bit of sense and force you to be more strategic and watch your timing better. How anyone thought that this engine would make a good single player game is beyond me.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MentholMoose »

Aryudsoh wrote:@ MentholMoose: You've added Zaarock to the list twice.
He's just that awesome! :D Anyway, fixed, and more names added.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by NGEFreek »

Well, I'm somewhat mad at NCSX, they had expected the FOrce restock to be in tomorrow, and I opted for UPS 2nd day air, thinking I might just get it by Friday or Saturday. Then I realized UPS won't be shipping on Friday for new years, and they don't deliver on weekends, d'oh! I'm going to try to swap my shipping method over to USPS Priority or whatever is comperable in price and maybe, MAYBE I'll have it by Saturday if I'm very lucky.

Anyone know how bad of a hassle it is to call up NCSX and swap shipping methods over?
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Aryudsoh »

Knoxximus wrote:
I know right?!? Hey, where did you order the MemBox from? I'd love to get one!

BTW...Hey Menthol! You get 20 gamerscore just for putting the damn disc in so your days of 200 points are OVER! LMAO! :lol:

EDIT:...and hot DAMN I love Sega music...it's MAGICAL! I have VO4 menu screen on while typing this...it is just so soothing and nostalgic at the same time! :mrgreen:
I ordered from Yesasia. They're showing it as unavailable now though. Ordered it basically when it came out.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Solar*Sonic »

WSNeo got me it for Xmas. Count me on the list!: SolarSonic
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Andarel »

FedEx finally get through the blizzard, with game. Must...unlock...things...

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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by L-e-W »

Got my copy last week. Unfortunately I will be quite sporadic with being on Live due to my campus blocking it, but there are weekends where I'll definitely be bringing the 'box home to play.

It's no Oratorio Tangram, but it's still enjoyable. I tried the arcade mode on easy just to get an idea of what I'd be going through. I accidentally ended up with Raiden as my main, managed to somehow get past Jaguarandi, and ended up being torn to shreds by Ajim & Guerlain nearly 10 times before calling it quits. Definitely will need to practice more, heh.

I've done a few Player Matches and attempted Tutorial mode (nearly impossible thanks to my minimal knowledge) and nearly done with the "1st Operation" set of Missions.

By the way, has anybody else had trouble getting into a Ranked match? Whenever I try to join one I end up getting quickly booted out at the last second before the fight almost 98% of the time, and I have yet to find any option for setting up a Ranked lobby myself.

So yeah, I'd be more than happy to get some experience in with the game, as even the folks I know who have OT generally don't have their hands on this at the current time. My Gamertag is GunBuster 00, by the way.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by PhantomPhotonX »

Wait a minute, how can AnikingVOOT be a confirmed Force player? His gamertag is incorrect! ;)

Count me in. You know I'll be using some form of Temjin, regardless of how good he actually is. I'm a man of principle.

It really is good to see this Forum light up though, now that Force is out. That's something we haven't seen in a long time!
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Zaarock »

L-e-W wrote:By the way, has anybody else had trouble getting into a Ranked match? Whenever I try to join one I end up getting quickly booted out at the last second before the fight almost 98% of the time, and I have yet to find any option for setting up a Ranked lobby myself.
There is only quick match in ranked (I guess to prevent cheating there is no other way), which means there isn't much point trying to play ranked as a foreign player. You can't get booted, the host actually left the lobby.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by shamanic_beat »

Get ready!!!
PhantomPhotonX wrote:Wait a minute, how can AnikingVOOT be a confirmed Force player? His gamertag is incorrect! ;)
Yes. He needs an AnikingFORCE gamertag in addition to an AnkingIdolM@ster gamertag. Or maybe he already has the latter one.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by RayLancer »

Played a match with Zaarock and the others, it was really laggy on my part. I had bad connections with Zaarock and someone else, except for LMA I Teuska which I had a full bar connection to.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by The World - 2.0 »

I finally got my copy of Force just 2 days ago, on the 4th :D! Hey, it's kinda funny, some people say that VO Force is the 4th game in the series, and I just happened to get this game on the fourth of January. Get the joke I'm making? :lol:

However, don't expect to see me online, because I'm afraid I don't have an Xbox gold membership. And besides, even if I did, if I tried playing online matches, I'd probably lose every time, seeing as how most of you have had much more experience with Virtual-On than me.

Sorry. :(

Although, If for some reason I do decide to get a Gold Membership, look for "MakutaTeridax"(without quotation marks). That's my GamerTag name.
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Favorite VRs: VOOT Angelan, Fei-Yen Kn, and Temjin.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by neo helbeast »

Force is umm slow and umm yea. Moooooooooonspeaaaaaaaak!
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Beldub »

Got memorial box. Paid silly price on eBay with the dlc. Any idea why sega didn't state this was region free from beginning? Are they allowed to, has a Japanese game ever been stated as region free before release.
I am also so tempted by the hori sticks - have to get them sent to work so I can sneak them past the wife though :) Only place I can see them is silly money on eBay but even here I am weakening!
My xbox live name is Beldub. I am the worlds worst player but love it so forgive me - I'm bad in the original sense of the word. I think it the mech design that I like? Im also mad for street fighter /kof character design and jack kirby comics - galactus really does it for me for some weird reason. Are they any other Japanese mecha games similar in design to virtual on? I have japanese Saturn & pc voom, dreamcast voot, ps marz, Saturn twinsticks with dreamcast adaptor. Does anyone have a Saturn/pc Magic joy box adaptor for mame for sale - pleeaaasseee!!!! - does anyone know if Saturn twin sticks work with voom mame?
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by Fredo »

I'm still waiting for my copy :|

By the way, is there still a LAN mode like in VOOT ? I believe there is no way to link 4 consoles in LAN, but is there a 2vs2 split screen LAN mode ?
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by guarayakha »

Beldub wrote:Got memorial box. Paid silly price on eBay with the dlc. Any idea why sega didn't state this was region free from beginning? Are they allowed to, has a Japanese game ever been stated as region free before release.
I am also so tempted by the hori sticks - have to get them sent to work so I can sneak them past the wife though :) Only place I can see them is silly money on eBay but even here I am weakening!
My xbox live name is Beldub. I am the worlds worst player but love it so forgive me - I'm bad in the original sense of the word. I think it the mech design that I like? Im also mad for street fighter /kof character design and jack kirby comics - galactus really does it for me for some weird reason. Are they any other Japanese mecha games similar in design to virtual on? I have japanese Saturn & pc voom, dreamcast voot, ps marz, Saturn twinsticks with dreamcast adaptor. Does anyone have a Saturn/pc Magic joy box adaptor for mame for sale - pleeaaasseee!!!! - does anyone know if Saturn twin sticks work with voom mame?
Well, the closest VO-ish game I've played was Project Gaiaray for the PS, which is actually a crappy ripoff (with a female mech that shoot stars, and a Mid-boss battle in a "secret base")

There's also FrameGride on the DC, which is made by From Software. It's like Armored Core in a Medieval setting, but it includes minor auto-lockon system so it's not as complex as the AC series.

There are also the Another Century's Episode games, also from From Software, but with focus on popular mecha series (Gundam, L-Gaim, Eureka Seven, etc), but the gameplay is a bit slow compared to the Gundam Vs Series.
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by UndeadShogun »

Sign me up! Just got the game last week. Gamertag: UndeadShogun
I went back to VOOT after playing this and I swear I got a thousand times better since I last played :lol:
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Re: VO: Force - who's in?!

Post by MentholMoose »

First post updated; the list is now alphabetical. Let me know about forum members not on the list that should be.